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Palamu National Park

The area in Palamu District in Jharkhand was set aside as a protected area in 1947 under the Indian Forests Act. Prior to the formation of the reserve, the area was used for cattle grazing and camping; it was acutely prone to forest fire. In 1974 the area was set up as the Palamau Tiger Reserve.

Palamu national park

The tiger reserve has a total area of 1,014 square kilometres (392 sq mi) with a core area of 414 km2 and a buffer area of 600 km. Ramandag, Latoo and Kujurum forest villages are located in the core area. Most of the villages are small; one village, Meral, consisted in 1993 of just 99 acres (400,000 m2) of land, 9 families and 78 members. In 1993 there were 45 villages located in the buffer area and about 60 more located in the periphery of the reserve. As of 2012 that number had grown to 136 villages that fall under the "buffer area" regulations of the Palamau Tiger Reserve. Only seven of the villages were in existence in 1923. The villagers have no legal claim to lands that were settled after 1974 when the buffer area for the reserve was created.

Palamu animals

Palamau on the Auranga river , 20 miles south-east of Daltonganj as the crow flies, from which the district takes its name is for historian and archaeologist the most interesting place in the district, for it was for many years the seat of the Chero chiefs and it contains the ruins of the two great forts built by them, the capture of which by Mughals and later by the British resulted in the collapse of the Chero resistance, the forts lie within the reserved forests Please provide us your contact number and convenient time, our expert will call back to you and in order to preserve them the jungle has to be cut back at intervals .they are a favourite haunt of tigers, whose pug marks may nearly always be seen in and around the fort.The walls which are in preservation are about 5 feet in thickness and those of the old fort bear marks of cannon balls and bullets in many places.

In the new fort the Nagpuri gate is of great beauty. It is said to have been imported of great expense by Medni Roy, the greatest of the Rajas of "Palamau", after he had sacked the place of the Maharaja of Chhotanagpur ; but the side of the fort on which it was erected was declared to be unlucky, and the entrance was bricked up, the carving being left where it was. The gate has now been opened and some of the adjoining masonry has been demolished in order to preserve it. The following account is taken from the Report of the Archeological Survey, Bengal Circle in 1903-1904 : " There are two forts at Palamau, inside the jungle, close to each other. They are distinguished by the name of Purana Kila and Naya Kila, although the both appear to be of about the same age.

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