Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Manila Cathedral is a magnificent architectural feat with its intricate stone carvings, stained glass mosaics, and rosette windows
The Church of Manila was established by the secular Juan de Vivero who had the honor of baptizing Rajah Matanda. The Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception administered the religious affairs of Manila until such time it became a parish and Manila was created into a diocese. It was a simple structure of nipa and bamboo, materials which were readily available during that time. It had for its first parish priest the secular Juan de Villanueva. The other religious who became the pillars of this parish were Juan de Vivaneta and Nicolas Riccio.
Manila Cathedral is located near Beaterio; near Gen. Luna; near Cabildo; near Postigo; near Sto. Tomas; Manila Cathedral is geographically located at latitude (14.5915 degrees) 14° 35’ 29" North of the Equator and longitude (120.9738 degrees) 120° 58’ 25" East of the Prime Meridian on the Map of Manila.

Manila Cathedral is a magnificent architectural feat with its intricate stone carvings, stained glass mosaics, and rosette windows
The Church of Manila was established by the secular Juan de Vivero who had the honor of baptizing Rajah Matanda. The Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception administered the religious affairs of Manila until such time it became a parish and Manila was created into a diocese. It was a simple structure of nipa and bamboo, materials which were readily available during that time. It had for its first parish priest the secular Juan de Villanueva. The other religious who became the pillars of this parish were Juan de Vivaneta and Nicolas Riccio.
Manila Cathedral is located near Beaterio; near Gen. Luna; near Cabildo; near Postigo; near Sto. Tomas; Manila Cathedral is geographically located at latitude (14.5915 degrees) 14° 35’ 29" North of the Equator and longitude (120.9738 degrees) 120° 58’ 25" East of the Prime Meridian on the Map of Manila.
Labels: Beauty Tourism, Countries Tourism, World Festival Tour, World Tourism, World Tourist Spots
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